Check out our latests insights in the Resource category.
Without taking business value, customer satisfaction, and necessary timelines into account, jumping to solutioning can lead to project failure.
Choosing the right cloud provider is a critical and costly decision. How can you evaluate the similar cloud managed services from AWS, GCP, and Azure?
Deterministic Agile can add an effective estimation process to Agile without sacrificing the existing benefits of Agile.
Collaborating remotely is difficult, but it’s the new reality. Are you enabling your teams to effectively innovate while virtual?
With COVID-19 still a pervasive concern, leaders need to take new factors into consideration on using staff augmentation.
Bringing necessary employees back to the office is one thing; bringing third-party consultants back is another. How do you safely work with consulting firms during COVID-19?
How can large companies use automation to modernize the ways they manage data?
Whether the outcome is to inform decision makers in the business or end-users of an application, the Decision Science process puts you on the path to accurate and relevant outcomes.
Organizations undergoing a cloud transformation have much to learn, not only from the Greeks, but also from modern tech giants.
To prepare for the Five Ss, get the right people in the room: the key people who understand the nature of the activity you are going to prototype.
After evaluating several streaming frameworks I came across Twitter Heron.
Our definition of decision science is simple: It’s a practice in which machines help business leaders solve problems that have traditionally been solved by human judgment, intuition, and experience alone.