If you work at a large company the odds are good that you have data, lots of data, years' worth of data… maybe you refer to it as “Big Data”. All that data is great if you can operationalize it. To operationalize data it has to be more than big it has to be Big and Fast.
If you would like to learn how to move your data from just big data to be Big and Fast join us on May 3rd at the Gateway to Innovation conference where we will launch our first leadership discussion around Big and Fast Data.
During this panel discussion we will define Big and Fast Data and talk to leaders from Monsanto, Centene, and BJC who are all at various stages on their quest to ensure their data is Big and Fast.
If you are planning to attend the Gateway to Innovation Conference we would love to have you join us. If you would like to ask a question please email us at bigandfastdata@1904labs.com.