Community is a central part of 1904labs’ foundation. So much so that in 2019, we created Lifting the Lou to bring awareness to local organizations in their ongoing efforts to eradicate poverty and create prosperity in areas of St. Louis. Over this past holiday season, through a recently formed community partnership with PotBangerz, Lifting the Lou and 1904labs gifted the local unhoused with blankets.
PotBangerz is a St. Louis based group of community leaders who fight injustice by uplifting the community, meeting nutritional needs, helping our unhoused families navigate their way to permanent housing, and advocating for them when they need it the most. When we have rebuilt and transformed the lives of our unhoused families, we can say mission accomplished.
With the mission of Potbangerz in mind, 1904labs and Lifting the Lou wanted to provide the St. Louis unhoused community a way to address the frigid winter temperatures. The solution was an insulated camping blanket that is warm but lightweight, durable, and water repellant. An added benefit is the insulation is made from 100% post-consumer recycled materials. This blanket comes with its own sack allowing for compression, carrying, and storage, which is ideal for those without housing as it is easier to transport than a traditional blanket. Easthills Outdoors, manufacturer for the blanket, generously sold us them at cost which in turn allowed us to purchase even more to provide the unhoused.
In total, 240 blankets were donated to PotBangerz. Their founder Cathy Daniels, aka “Mama Cat,” is seen here trying one out. She was so appreciative of the donation.

"Because of the love and support of Sean Walsh, Julie Olivarri and the rest of the wonderful folks at 1904labs, the weight of “Love” was lifted higher. These blankets have become quickly popular because of its ability to retain heat, it’s light weight, and it’s compact transferability. They were well received by our unhoused family, and fellow outreachers in various parts of STL city and county. We can’t express enough how thankful we are for all of your continued support of our mission." - Cathy Daniels, Founder of Potbangerz
“PotBangerz is doing amazing things here in the Lou for those who most need it” Sean Walsh, Managing Director at 1904labs. ”1904labs employees help us to create a strong and vibrant company. I sincerely appreciate what our employees do everyday for our clients so that we have the resources to give back to our community.”